We are going after a couple of rhythms in our weekly Sunday gatherings. The goal as we grow is to continue to balance our weekly gatherings between large group gathering and our smaller group house churches.

House church

It can be the hardest thing in the world to walk into a new place that you've never been before, and the church is no different. So what can you expect. Well first off we meet in homes, sitting on couches in a living room kinda like yours. Building community is a big deal to us so we often eat and drink together. We dress casually as if we were going over to a friends house. And we talk about normal life stuff like family, work, fun, faith, and much, much more. At the end of the day we are just normal people who are journeying together. 

We have multiple house church groups running throughout the week. Some just for ladies, young adults, men, etc. Feel free to give me a shout if you're interested and I'll point you in the right direction. You are always welcome!!

The gathering

The Gathering is all about connecting with each other to sing, laugh, learn, and experience God together. Through real life stories, relevant bible teaching, and excellent music we'll learn to be followers of Jesus and to honor God with all of our lives. We encourage you to dress comfortably and to come as you are. There are no perfect people in church and you don't have to put on masks to come hang out with us. When you arrive expect people to be warm and welcoming and kinda like a big extended family. Grab a coffee and come find a seat. We love creativity, and welcome participation from people in all walks of life so expect diversity and no "cookie cutter" religion. Sharing life is really important to us and what better way to do that than over food. Once a month we have our COMMUNITY TABLE potlucks, where we enjoy a meal together after church. Please feel welcome to pull up a chair and get connected. We meet EVERY Sunday, Doors open at 9, Church starts at 9:15 at 6211 Cherry Creek Rd (the old Cherry Creek School).

house church/the gathering

Two wings of an airplane analogy: If you only had one wing on an airplane you would fall out of the sky. 

I would like to suggest that the small and large group gatherings of the church are the two wings of the plane. Most churches recognize the need for both large and small group gatherings, but as our culture has gotten busier there isn't space in most peoples lives for both. 

Our plan is to address this through balancing our gathering time between Big and Little Church. 

Big/Gathered Church  - unity, power in numbers, corporate worship, central teaching/preaching, biblical authority

Little/House Church/Missional Community  - Meeting together in homes; community, real life, outside the walls of the church intentionally and regularly, lay led, lots of opportunity for people to exercise their gifts, a focus on those far from God, flexible and targeted variety of groups able to take "church" across all kinds of boundaries to serve the needs of our community.